Get to Know Me!

I know I'm the worst blogger ever, but considering I want to blog more come the new year, and considering I am most interested in self care blogging, I figure I should tell you guys a little something about me! Maybe then I'll be a little more credible and there will be some context behind the posts that I make (I promise more are coming; I'm constantly writing down ideas and I'll hopefully have a camera come January so that I can actually post good pictures!). But until then, let's begin with a simple 20 facts about me.
  1. I was born in Brooklyn, New York, but currently live in Richmond, Virginia
  2. I have a twin brother who is literally my exact opposite
  3. I have been a pescetarian since I was 12 years old (I'll be 23 come December)
  4. Parlo Italiano un po' ma non bene (I speak a little Italian, but not well)
  5. I have a tattoo with the coordinates of the camp that I went to and worked at for a total of 14 years. It's my favorite place in the world
  6. The Lion King is my all-time favorite movie
  7. I've wanted to be a YouTuber for years, but I'm too shy to sit in front of a camera
  8. I've always had at least one pet
  9. I majored in English at Virginia Commonwealth University and minored in Psychology and Sociology
  10. I carry two planners with my at all times and have a calendar above my bed. I really love planning
  11. I refuse to buy any candles except for Bath and Body Works candles
  12. I've never been drunk or high in my life, nor do I ever plan to be
  13. I've always had an obsession with brushing my teeth
  14. I can't paint my nails to save my life
  15. I've never owned an automatic car
  16. I'm left handed
  17. I'm low-key superstitious
  18. I managed my high school's lacrosse team
  19. My favorite book is Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger and I plan on getting a quote from it tattooed on my side
  20. My favorite food is avocado
I hope you guys enjoyed learning a little something about me! Hopefully we can get to know each other better once I actually start posting more. Again, I swear it's coming! Let me know a fact about you, too!


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