Quick Trip to the Pumpkin Patch, Round Two, Year Two

Cliche fall things are honestly some of the best. I get so excited for the time of year when I can have a warm coffee or hot chocolate halfway through the day or an orange KitKat instead of a regular one because they taste better and no one can tell me otherwise. Let's face it: I'm a little basic, but I'm okay with that! Especially because that means I can go to the pumpkin patch with friends and pick out some cute pumpkins to put on my doorstep. It's the little things, you know?
This was my first official fall outing and I was pretty stoked for it. I went with some friends from work, my roommate, and her boyfriend and even though it was nearly 80 degrees, our quick trip to the pumpkin patch was utmost enjoyable and got me so excited to go home and start watching Freeform's 13 Nights of Halloween with all of its Halloween movie goodness. Not to mention, the pumpkin patch we went to also had a tiny little farm with goats! My heart was so happy.

I hope you guys are as excited for the upcoming months and all of their basic af activities as I am! I'll be doing my best to take you all along for the ride as the months unfold.


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