Two years ago I wrote down 22 things I've learned throughout life. Two years later and I think I've learned a little bit more, so in honor of my 24th birthday, I've decided to share a little more wisdom. I know I'm still young, but I hope you get a little out of it nonetheless.
- A calendar with your bill due dates (or anything you don't want to forget) on it is a really good idea.
- Sometimes you have to throw in the towel, be it an idea, a project, or a book you've been struggling to get through. It's okay to not finish everything you start. We're only human.
- You can't grow if you're never challenged. Get out of your comfort zone and do something a little risky.
- If you want something, sometimes all you have to do is ask.
- If something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't.
- Don't let people dictate how you spend your money or enjoy yourself.
- If it's not hurting anyone, you don't have to explain yourself.
- If you can't follow, you can't lead. Be humble and stay grounded.
- Some things are better left behind.
- Take your own advice.
- Don't pass up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for anything other than yourself.
- Embrace changes that better yourself. Being stagnant isn't a good thing.
- Balance is key.
- We all do things we regret. Forgive yourself and move on as best you can.
- Sentimentality doesn't make you weak.
- Checking in with someone every couple of months can go a long way.
- Grow with the people around you.
- I highly recommend GAP insurance.
- Don't cancel all of your plans.
- Try a new restaurant once in a while.
- Embrace your flaws.
- Google synonyms.
- Learn a random fact or two, People enjoy them.
- Don't stop learning once school ends.
I know these 24 points don't all go together, but life doesn't fit perfectly into a box. Teach me something new so that I can add it to my list in a few years.
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