New Year's Resolutions

If you want me to be honest with you, I'm not really one for New Year's resolutions. I love the idea behind them, but I don't like that they've become kind of a big, unobtainable goal that people set for themselves. But after everything 2016 put us through, I want to revisit the idea of a New Year's resolution, but in a different sense. This year, I want to set three goals for myself that have to do with personal mindset. Hopefully they'll urge me to do the things I need to do, the things the average New Year's resolutions tend to be. Hold me to them, will you?

1. Focus on self care.
I'll admit, I've been working on this for some time now, but there's always room for improvement in this category. I've been a college graduate for about six months now, so I've had my time to be lazy and aimless. Now I want to focus more on making time for myself even when I have less time. To do so, I want to: prepare more meals at home, stick to a schedule, and save more of my money so that I'm not so worried about bills. I'm thinking $50 a week and then after a few months of that, $100 a week into savings from each paycheck.

2. Become introspective again.
When I first decided to better myself, I spent a lot of time being introspective. I've strayed away from that since beginning (and graduating) college, I'd like to go back to reading more, I'd like to travel more, and I'd like to write more (hopefully that means blogging more!).

3. Find a fulfilling career.
This is a big one and I do think it's one of the biggest decisions someone can make in their adult life. I'd like to have this one checked off by the end of 2017, but if I don't, I won't kick myself. Good things come to those who wait, right? We'll leave this one open-ended and see what happens.

Let me know some New Year's resolutions you guys have. I hope they aren't too close-ended and I hope they lead you to where you need to be.


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