'Tis the season for all things pumpkin, and what's a better way to get in the pumpkin spirit than to pick your own? My boyfriend, his family, and I made our way to Ashland Berry Farms, a local farm that annually grows its own pumpkins, and participated in the All You Can Carry pumpkin deal. To get to the pumpkins, you take a hayride out to a patch that is literally filled with pumpkins. I was slightly worried because it's about halfway through October, so I wasn't sure if our pickings would be slim or not, but luckily, they were nowhere near. We had so many pumpkins to choose from, and personally, I think my boyfriend and I found some fantastic ones.
The farm has much more to offer than just pick-your-own-pumpkins, but unfortunately, my boyfriend and I had to rush to work, so we didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked to. I was able to snag a freshly made caramel apple while I was waiting in line to pay for my pumpkins. What's more festive than that? I'd say I'm definitely more in the autumn spirit now that I have a handful (or an armful, actually) of pumpkins to spread out around my house. 

See you guys, Wednesday!
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