Happy Halloween!

Today's the day the ghosts and ghouls come out and I hope you guys have a fantastic time celebrating! Since it's a Monday, I'm sure most parties were over the weekend, so relax tonight with a bowl full of candy and maybe a few Halloween movies to get you into the spirit. I know I plan on having a festive hot chocolate or spiced cider to get myself ready for November. Fall's here, you guys, and I am so excited!

I hope my blogging three times a week wasn't too disappointing. I know I slacked while I was in England, but I tried and, personally, I think I had a pretty good excuse. I'll be back with another post on Wednesday and for now on it'll be one post at 5:00 PM EST every Wednesday.

Love you all loads!


England Post, Part Two

When I spoke to you last, I was on my way to London and Canterbury. Now, I am on the train from South-of-Sea to Sheffield for my last two days in England, sigh.

So far the trip has been busy, but fantastic, and I've gotten to see a decent amount of people who I never get to see. Saturday is our big meet up, though, so hopefully I'll have some pictures from there. I'm not keen on openly being a tourist, so here are a few pictures that I've collected between London and Canterbury. I'll leave you with these for now. Much love!


I'm in England???

It only took me 22 years and 10 months, but I've finally gotten myself out of the United States (for a week)!

So far I've done a small town and Liverpool, and I am currently on my way to London for a short stop before I do Canterbury.

Anyway, sorry for today's crappy post. I hope these pictures (of mostly farm animals--I'm from a city; they excite me) make up for it just a little.


Halloween Party Dos and Don'ts

I used to throw a Halloween party every year when I was younger and last year my roommates and I threw one of our own, so I am no stranger to the game. That being said, Halloween parties are difficult, especially in college. Where I live, people bounce from one party to the next, so your party has to be going for people to stay at all. Halloween is just a party night now, I guess.

(Cue bickering old man voice.) Back in my day, Halloween parties just needed fun snacks and a fog machine. Oh, how simple it was. But now you need music--not Halloween music, but radio music--drinks, costumes, and dim lights. That sounds easy, doesn't it? Not with out preparation, it's not. So here is what I have learned through trial and error for how to have a decent (don't trust me for good; I still only need snacks and a fog machine) Halloween party.


Prepare! College helps everyone become grade A procrastinators, but please leave this skill out of your Halloween party plans (or lack thereof). If you have a loose idea of what you're going to do, chances are you aren't going to do them and your party could turn into a bust. At least get your music straight. I'm telling you this from experience. An iPhone is not a good enough speaker.

Spread the word for BYOB but have back up. You'd be surprised how many people don't supply their own drinks. I myself don't drink, so I didn't care if other people were left high and dry, but I could tell they did, and when drinkers are left without drinks, they leave. My roommate made a festive Halloween punch last year that went over pretty well. It was pretty easy, too, and I think she used some cheap liquor. So classy and so college.

Have a sound system. This one is obvious, I know, but we messed up last year and couldn't get the speakers we borrowed working. We improvised well enough, but my roommate was without her phone all night because we had it plugged in through the TV and that stunk every time she got  phone call. You don't need anything fancy: just a laptop, an ad-free music source, and an HDMI cord. But don't overlook this step.

Block off rooms. This sounds petty, but it's necessary. On a night where random people are going in and out, you want your valuables and your pets protected. People will go where they aren't suppose to, but if you decorate with caution tape or something, it'll keep people out and those rooms will be safe. 


Supply food. Having snacks at a party seems great until you realize that no one is eating them and five bags of chips really aren't necessary and will end up soggy, on the floor, and overall, as a waste of money. People aren't going to eat and if they are, they will find food.

Have a small space. Small places make people disperse to find more room and then people end up outside or at another party. If you want to have a Halloween party, but have a small space, talk to a friend with more room and see if they'll donate their apartment/house for the event.

Plan a contest. Costume contests are festive and fun, but they involve some extra planning that will never get implemented. We tried to have one last year and spend some money on a giftcard for the winner. There was no winner. There were too many people and not enough control. Save it for when you're older and your friends are calmer.

Start too early. The anticipation leading to your party is a pain in the ass, but so is telling everyone to get there at 10 and not having anyone show up, really, until like 11. People start late. Start when they start so that your party keeps people there.

As I said, I'm not expert, but I hope these tips help if you're planning a party for Halloween (or whenever, I guess!) Check back Wednesday for another Blogtober post!


Flying Tips for Anxious People

In a few days, I'm visiting some of my friends in the UK, and although I am extremely excited for the trip, I'm also terribly anxious. I'm awful at having my routine messed with. It gives me an uneasy feeling in my stomach and makes it difficult for me to eat or drink anything. I kind of just freeze and anticipate the changed routine. Furthermore, when my routine is changed I tend to be extra early (I'm almost always early anyway) to the new place because I am so afraid that I will miss the event/class/whatever it may be otherwise. That being said, flying is hard for me. Not only am I going to a foreign place with little control of how early I can be, but my routine is also thrown all out of wack. And this will be my first time overseas. And I and going alone. Do you see the problem?

Well I'm trying to stay as calm as possible because I have been planning this trip for so long and really cannot wait to see all of my friends, so instead I have been practicing tips and tricks on how to stay calm in the midst of a full-on anxiety battle.

Pack days in advance. A lack of control triggers anxiety (obvious, I know), so the feeling of forgetting something and having no way to go back to it can be minuscule but daunting. Packing a week or so in advance allows you to double, triple, quadruple check to make sure that nothing is left behind. It can also help you to avoid overpacking something I myself am prone to) because if you don't use the object in the week you've been packed, you probably won't need it while you're away. Contrarily, it will also help you to remember that one thing you don't use often, but you use enough to need in a week away.

Make a list. I love my lists. They help lay everything out in front of you so that it doesn't look as unapproachable as intimidating in your head. For travel, I like to write out an all of the mandatory times and then see how much leeway I have. It's also never a bad idea to create a checklist to check your packing one more time.

Have a small carry-on. By this, I more just mean keep a smaller bag close to you with the essentials, or anything that will help calm your nerves. I do this when I fly or drive long distances. In this bag I keep my phone charger, headphones, a book, gum, my ticket, my wallet, whatever I might impulsively need to keep myself from freaking out or feeling like I'm trapped or have forgotten something.

Stay in touch. If you're in communication with someone, be it a parent or a friend, it helps to not feel so alone. I like to plan my trips around days my mom is easily reachable so that if I need to talk my anxiety out for a bit, I'm able to do so.

Remind yourself that everything is fixable. This is by far the most difficult trick to keep from feeling anxious, but it's probably the most important. It's unbelievably easy to overreact to a small roadblock when one struggles with anxiety, but try to remind yourself that if there's a will, there's a way. Plans can go awry, but they only make way for a different route and as my mom always says, everything happens for a reason. Try not to stress too much.

I hope those help if any of you are traveling soon! Or just in general, actually. Let me know some tricks or tips you guys have to keep calm.


Spiced Apple Cider

Personally, I am a huge apple cider person. When I was younger and still lived in New York, my route to school passed through a Farmer's Market in the fall. The market always had the most delicious warm apple cider and it was just what I needed for those cold New York mornings. Because of this little anecdote, apple cider is the most comforting fall drink for me. I love it. And recently I learned that you can make it in a Crockpot! What!??!? Of course I tried it and guess what? I SUCCEEDED, without a recipe or anything! I am a chef.

I think apple cider can't be messed up, so add whatever you want, but here's what I used:

As much water as looks right. I filled my Crockpot so that it was about 3/4 the way full
8 sliced apples (I Googled it and a variety of apples works best, but use whichever ones you like most)
1 orange
3 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp. cloves
1 whole nutmeg
Dark brown sugar, to taste

Add everything except for the brown sugar to the Crockpot and turn it on. I kept mine on the low setting for five hours. Periodically, I would take the lid off, stir everything around, and smell the deliciousness that was happening in my kitchen.

After five hours, I checked on my cider and smashed everything together with a whisk, as best as I could. Then, with the help of my roommate because this was harder than I thought, I separated the mush from the cider. (Side note: I'm thinking of using the mush to make apple sauce? We'll see how it goes.) Then I added the brown sugar to the hot apple cider until it tasted sweet enough. That's it! It was the easiest thing I have every done and it tastes really good, actually. I'm thoroughly impressed with myself.
Let me know, as always, if you make this! I'd love to try out any variations if you guys have any. See you Wednesday!


A Quick Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

'Tis the season for all things pumpkin, and what's a better way to get in the pumpkin spirit than to pick your own? My boyfriend, his family, and I made our way to Ashland Berry Farms, a local farm that annually grows its own pumpkins, and participated in the All You Can Carry pumpkin deal. To get to the pumpkins, you take a hayride out to a patch that is literally filled with pumpkins. I was slightly worried because it's about halfway through October, so I wasn't sure if our pickings would be slim or not, but luckily, they were nowhere near. We had so many pumpkins to choose from, and personally, I think my boyfriend and I found some fantastic ones.
The farm has much more to offer than just pick-your-own-pumpkins, but unfortunately, my boyfriend and I had to rush to work, so we didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked to. I was able to snag a freshly made caramel apple while I was waiting in line to pay for my pumpkins. What's more festive than that? I'd say I'm definitely more in the autumn spirit now that I have a handful (or an armful, actually) of pumpkins to spread out around my house. 

See you guys, Wednesday!


My Happy-Making Playlist

The other day, I made a post about how to stay in a good mood while the sun isn't out as much and one of my tips was to make a Happy-Making Playlist, as I like to call it. I've had one for probably five years now (although the songs do change), so here is my current one, freshly made for this blog post because my iPod Classic from 2007 finally broke and my playlist went away with it. RIP. Feel free to use these songs on your own and of course let me know the songs you keep on your own Happy-Making Playlist! New music is always a good way to keep your mood up, after all. Have a good weekend and I'll see you Monday for another day of Blogtober!

"Whoever She Is" The Maine
"I Swear This Time I Mean It" Mayday Parade
"For the Longest Time" Sherwood
"A Lack of Color" Death Cab For Cutie
"Give It Up" The Format
"Never Ready to Leave" Sherwood
"Cue the Sun" Daphne Loves Derby
"Build Me Up Buttercup" The Foundations
"Stay Young, Go Dancing" Death Cab for Cutie
"You Be the Anchor That Keep My Feet On the Ground, I'll Be the Wings That Keep Your Heart In the Clouds" Mayday Parade
"I'm Ready, I am" The Format
"Vienna" Billy Joel
"Single Millionaires" Brighton
"I Will Follow You Into the Dark" Death Cab For Cutie
"The First Day of My Life" Bright Eyes
"The Kids Aren't Alright" Fall Out Boy
"Goodnight Moon" Go Radio


Tips for a Good Mood With Less Sun

Sun exposure has a lot of health benefits, including benefits for the mind. A lack thereof can cause us to feel slightly down. Personally, the colder months and the cloudier days that come with it can cause me to feel lethargic and, quite frankly, a little sad. To combat the effect the cloudy skies have on my mood, I have come up with a few tips that help me to stay positive and good during the colder months.
  • Read! This one is not for everyone, I know, but books always help to put things into perspective for me. It's nice to take on a different point of view every once in a while.
  • Listen to a happy making playlist. I have one of my own and I update it every year or so to fit my updated music needs and emotional needs. It's an easy and convenient way to keep your mood level up when the gloom seems a little too much.
  • Have a pamper night. Wash your face, take a bath with plenty of fun bath items, light some candles, moisturize everything. Read a book, watch your favorite movie or show. Do what makes you happy. And if a night isn't enough, make it a day. Take time for you. Your mind needs it.
  • Clean your room. This might be a personal thing, but clutter and mess make me feel like my life is out of control, and the lack of sun can worsen this feeling. A home detox is good sometimes.
  • Take a walk. Colder days tend to make for slower days, or so that's what everyone likes to think. Unfortunately, the world has become fast-paced. With social media and school and work, we're always on the go and we're always connected. Take a break and go for a walk--alone or with a friend--it doesn't matter, really. Just take time to enjoy what's around you.
I know these are only a few tips, but they're the ones that help me the most. Let me know how you combat the cold weather blues and I'll see you Friday for another day of Blogtober.


Autumn/Winter Skincare

I have the driest skin. Like, it's so dry that my face produces excess oil to try to combat the dryness, which in turn, makes me break out. It's a real pain in the ass. As the weather changes and the air gets dryer, so does my skin. My lips become chapped beyond belief, my fingers peel from the lack of moisture, and the skin on my face gets even worse. Today in fact, I had to apply more facial moisturizer than normal because my skin was sucking it in. It was a little disturbing, to be honest. Your face should not be begging for moisture when you moisturize twice a day. Ugh, my life.

Anyway, enough of my rant. Because of my dry skin, I work really hard in the autumn and winter months to try to keep it as healthy and moisturized as possible (it's a losing battle, but I try). I've tried a ridiculous amount of products in the past few years to help with my skin's lack of moisture, and I think I've finally found a few that work well for the colder months. Let's jump right in, shall we?

Tarte Maracuja Oil
$15 travel size tarte.com
I've used this oil on and off for probably two years now and every time I buy it again after not having it for a handful of months I wonder why I ever stopped including it in my skincare in the first place. Usually I use it at night in place of a nightly moisturizer because it gives my dry, dry skin the moisture that it needs over several hours. The oil is also really nice to drop into my foundation on days when I feel like my skin needs an extra boost because maracuja is a natural brightener.

bareMinerals Bare Haven Essential Moisturizing Soft Cream
$35 bareescentuals.com
This cream is for normal to dry skin types, which is my skin, so maybe that's why I like it a lot, but I think it's more of a texture thing for me. I don't like heavy creams on my face, or anywhere really. When I can feel something sitting on my skin it makes me feel grimy, so I tend to go for lighter creams and gels, like this one. It's moisturizing, but not insanely heavy, so putting it on doesn't feel disgusting to me. It also absorbs well into my skin, so I never really feel like I have to wait before putting my makeup on (although I still try to). In the summer this moisturizer can be a little too heavy, but it's perfect for the winter and helping to keep my skin from breaking out from the dryness.

Pixi Skintreats Nourishing Cleansing Balm
$20 target.com
I only like to use this balm three or four times a week because it's dso thick (see above discomfort explanation), but it works so well! I use it as a makeup remover, massaging it all over my face and neck and then using a damp washcloth to remove it. The balm turns into a thick oil, almost, when activated by your skin's temperature, and literlly melts away your makeup. It's gentle enough to use on my eyes, but powerful enough to remove my mascara. What's more, the washcloth helps to exfoliate. The balm contains cocoa butter and shea butter, so it also provides my skin with moisture while I cleanse. It's a great pamper night tool.

Hempz Herbal Body Moisturizer
$23 ulta.com
How many times can I talk about how much I dislike heavy moisturizers in one post? Well it's my biggest problem with dry skin, so I suppose it's  necessary observation. Lotions are always so heavy! Like why? I want to be able to go on with my life after I moisturize my hands and body; I don't want to be sticky and wet and gross. This moisturizer is light enough for me and still provides a very good bit of moisture. I actually just applied it to my hands and they smell delicious and feel fantastic.

Lush Floating Island Luxury Bath Oil
$3.95 lush.com
This bath melt not only smells delicious, but since it is made with cocoa butter and shea butter, it is extremely moisturizing. I like to use it with a bubble bar or bubble bath and just soak in all of the oils while I relax on a pamper night. It almost acts as a deep condition for your skin!

Lush Butterball Bath Bomb
$4.95 lush.com
The bomb is known for its moisture, so I suppose there isn't much to say. Again, it's made with cocoa butter, which we all know by now that I love (and is also extremely moisturizing). They also make this one into a Christmas bear and I love that one just as much.

Lush Buffy Body Butter
$12.95 3.3 oz lush.com
The King of Skin body butter from Lush helps to make your skin feel irresistibly soft, but I like Buffy more because it exfoliates as well as moisturizes. The exfoliater comes in two sizes, but I find that the small one lasts about a month or so, and that is good enough for me. I like to rub it all over my body after I cleanse in the shower and then I help to rinse it off by running my hands in circular motions on my skin while I allow the water to do most of the work.

As always, let me know your guys' favorite skincare items for the colder months! I'm always looking to try out new products (just remember to keep them cruelty-free). Much love and I'll see you guys again Wednesday for another day of Blogtober!


Cinnamon-Coffee Cookies

I am the worst cook on the planet, but I love baking, especially fall baking. It smells like comfort and happiness. What's not to like? Unfortunately, I am not a practiced baker and have no clue what I am doing in the kitchen, so I have to follow recipes. I found this one in a Better Homes and Gardens: Fall Baking issue (which is a jackpot for recipes; 10/10 highly recommend).

The cookies were easy to make and they smelled really good baking in the oven. The only revision I would make is to add more coffee to the mix. My cookies mostly taste of clove, which is nice, but I think a more apparent coffee taste would be nicer. The same goes for all of the spices: add to taste; it won't affect the recipe. I recommend having one with a cup of coffee. They pair well together (as one would expect).

2 tsp. instant coffee
1 Tbsp. hot water
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar (I used light brown sugar, but I doubt it matters)
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg or 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon

Begin by making the instant coffee; set aside. In a large bowl (actually a large bowl--I began with a medium sized one and had to transfer my mixture halfway through), beat the butter and shortening, then add all of the ingredients through cloves. Beat everything together. Add the eggs, vanilla, and the coffee mixture (some extra coffee grounds might be nice, as well); beat. Beat in the flour and then cover the mixture and allow the dough to chill. The recipe says "two hours or until dough is easy to handle." I let it sit for probably an hour to an hour and a half and then went on with it. It was still quite sticky, but the cookies turned out fine.

Once your dough is chilled, preheat your oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Then roll sections of the dough into balls (whatever size you see fit; the cookies don't spread out much as they bake) and roll them in the cinnamon-sugar. Flatten the cookies on your greased baking tray and cook for about 10 minutes or until the cookies are firm to the touch.

Let me know if you make any of these cookies. I hope you like them!


*This recipe is from the Better Homes and Gardens magazine. No credit goes to me. 

The Best Movies and TV Episodes for the Halloween Season

I am by no means a partyer, so I do not look forward to Halloween for its social aspect, nor do I anxiously wait to go out trick-or-treating (considering I'm 22 and that's frowned upon). No, I look forward to Halloween because it commences the Holiday Season. And what better way to get yourself into the holiday mood than to marathon old TV shows and movies? Of course, ABCs--I mean Freeform's--13 Nights of Halloween covers some of the very best Halloween movies, but I like to throw in a few more, plus specific TV episodes to really get myself into the Holiday spirit. Here are a few of my favorites.

Hocus Pocus
Of course Hocus Pocus is at the top of the list. No Halloween would be complete without the Sanderson sisters making an appearance at least once. There isn't much for me to say about this one, considering its popularity around this time of year, but I couldn't simply leave it off the list. No matter how old I seem to be, Hocus Pocus never disappoints.

It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
I am a Peanuts fanatic and since Linus is my favorite character, The Great Pumpkin is my favorite one to watch out of the Holiday Trio box set that I own. Waiting with Linus in that pumpkin patch is by far one of the best parts of October, if you ask me.

Harry Potter
Please, we all know every Harry Potter is perfect for any given day. Halloween is just another excuse to watch it.

The Nightmare Before Christmas (and every other Tim Burton film)
Tim Burton and his creepy aesthetic scream Halloween and I live for it. Seriously, put on any Tim Burton film around Halloween and I'm there. However, I do consider The Nightmare Before Christmas more of a Halloween movie than a Christmas one. Thus, now is when I advise you to watch it. 

Little Shop of Horrors
I guess the only reason I consider this a good Halloween movie is because I'm afraid of everything and the movie kind of gives me the creeps? I love it anyway and think Audrey II is a fantastic character to get to know during the Halloween season.

This falls into the same category of Hocus Pocus. Being a Millennial, I grew up watching this movie and I consider it a Halloween staple. (The sequel is also a great one to indulge in.)

Scary Movie
I don't watch scary movies. Ever. But I do love scary movie parodies. This one is great for laughs and great for some '90s horror nostalgia.

That '70s Show: "Halloween". Season 2, Episode 5
The second season of That '70s Show is such a goldmine and this episode holds up that statement. It is hilarious and a nice twist from the ordinary sitcom Halloween episode theme. Plus, Fez is freaking hilarious in this one. If you need something festive yet quick to watch, this is a phenomenal choice.

Boy Meets World: "And Then There Was Shawn". Season 5, Episode 17
When I think of TV episodes involving Halloween, I think this one. Filled with the silliest references to other movies and TV shows of the late '90s, this episode is perfect for Halloween. Who doesn't want cheesy lines taken from Scream and other classics? The over-dramatization of how predictable '90s horror was is also quite appreciated. The episode, although cheesy, is hilarious in the best way.

As always, let me know your guys' favorite movies and TV episodes to watch around Halloween! I'm always down for a new movie to watch (as long as it''s not scary). And remember to check back on Friday for another day of Blogtober!


Halloween Lush Haul

It's that time of year: the time when Lush brings out all of the best, most festive products and if you thought for a second that I didn't go out the first day that the products hit stores to purchase them, then you think that I have much more self-control than I actually do. I'm sorry for deceiving you.

The Lush in the mall I go to is fairly new (two years old, tops) so I'm not sure if it was lacking in products the last few years or if Lush simply decided to release more products with its Halloween line this year, but I ended up purchasing way more products than I normally get to when it comes to Lush Halloween. I'm not complaining. In total, I purchased six products from the Halloween line, only excluding a shimmer bar, a body wash, and a soap (keep in mind Lush stores don't all carry the same products). Some I've used before and some I'll get to play with over the next few weeks, but without further ado, here is most of the Lush Halloween 2016 line.

Autumn Leaf Bath Bomb
I've actually already used this one and I really enjoyed my bath with it. The different colors in the bomb spread out along my bath water, very much like fallen leaves do in autumn. The water itself smelled quite, well, fresh (Lush describes it as "freshly cut grass"), but I don't think it did much out of the ordinary to my skin. This one will be in stores until Christmas time.

Pumpkin Bath Bomb
Can you guess why this one is called Pumpkin? I haven't used this one yet, but I'm excited to because I can't make out the smell--it's sweet, I think, but there's also a spiciness to it that I feel will be extremely enjoyable and comforting as the weather gets cooler and the days get shorter. Not to mention, the Lush magazine says that this one fizzes, and who doesn't love a fizzy bath?

Monsters' Ball Bath Bomb
This one is definitely new. I would remember seeing this adorable one online or something if it wasn't. Like, hello, yes, please Monsters' Inc. I see you and I love it. I've seen a few demos of this one and it turns your bath a beautiful deep purple, but I have't tried it out for myself yet. It smells citrus-y and honestly just makes me want a limeade. I'm looking forward to experiencing a bath with this one--I might even keep the lights on to watch it envelope my bath water in full.

Lord of Misrule Bath Bomb
Lord of Misrule is one of my favorite festive Lush bath bombs. Here until Christmas, this one is versatile for the season, being both spicy and earthy. I understand why it's a Halloween bomb, but if it was in the Christmas range (part of my always thinks it is), I wouldn't be thrown off. The bomb starts out green and then slowly but surely releases a layer of deep purple. Grab some hot chocolate and enjoy a long soak with this one.

Boo Luxury Bath Melt
Around this time last year was my first time using a Lush bath melt and I honestly don't know why it took me so long to do so. They're fantastic. They do exactly as Lush advertises: soften and scent. I've never seen this one before, but I gave it a try for my first time tonight (2 October). It was a much spicier scent than I was expecting, but that's what I like, so I was quite pleased. The melt began to do just that as soon as I picked it up between my fingers, but it lasted a decent amount of my bath, slowly dissolving and helping my skin to not be terribly dry and damaged. I'd definitely repurchase this one.

Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar
This one always goes over well around Halloween for all of us glitter lovers. It completely litters your bathtub with s beautiful golden glitter that will leave your skin shimmering for days (mostly because you can't get it off), but who cares? It's glitter and it's fantastic. I can never describe this scent, but the bar leaves your bath water orange and it takes less than half of one to create plenty of bubbles for your bath. They also last longer than most of my bubble baths do, I think. Whether that's true or not, this one is always a fun one to have through October.

Let me know which Lush products you love--Halloween or not, and remember that I'll be posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday through October for (a very lazy) Blogtober!

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