Twenty-Two Things I Have Learned Throughout My Life

I am 22-years-old and have no clue what I am doing with my life, but up until this point I have learned a few things that have helped me feel happier. Here are just a few to match my age because why not? (Thanks, Lizzie McGuire, that song really inspired me.)

  1. Smile at strangers. It will make you feel a little more connected.
  2. To-do lists are your friends. Use them.
  3. Follow the laundry instructions on your clothing. They're there for a reason.
  4. Star gazing is really good for nice conversations.
  5. It's okay to still listen to the dumb songs you liked in middle school. Even if your music taste has changed, the songs will still give you  good feeling.
  6. It's okay to not know what you want to do with your life. You have to experience life before you figure out your passion.
  7. Travel. Travel as much as you can both inside of your country and outside of it.
  8. It's never too late or too early to change your path completely.
  9. Self-help books are actually really useful. Invest in them.
  10. Save room for dessert.
  11. Money is meant to be spent. In the words of Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle, "treat yo'self."
  12. Take days off. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
  13. Water helps everything. Replace at least one drink a day with water. You'll feel better.
  14. If you still want the item after you leave the store, go back and buy it.
  15. Don't put more than $500 on your credit card. It gets harder to pay off once it gets any higher.
  16. Not everyone will take the same path as you. No one's path is better than another's. Everyone lives a different life. Embrace it.
  17. Demons and baggage make you who you are. It's okay if you don't want to share them with people, but coming to terms with them yourself will do wonders for your happiness.
  18. Quit your job if you aren't happy. Something better will come along.
  19. Take a summer off from your job and do something different (like work at a camp). The change of pace will help you learn a lot about yourself.
  20. Re-read your favorite book. It's your favorite for a reason and therefore, it will probably improve your mood in some way.
  21. Let your phone die once in a while.
  22. It's okay to be selfish sometimes, just make sure it's a good reason to be.
Don't take life so seriously. Plans go awry, all you can do is make the best of it all. Everything will fall into place eventually.


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