Writing Off My Anxiety

I get anxious. Like, very anxious. Like, oh-my-God-I-have-no-control-over-anything anxious. But I'm trying to learn how to deal with it and cope because it's getting a little ridiculous how much my anxiety can hold me back, So, being the crazy person that I am, I went out and bought a bunch of  notebooks and things of the sort to help organize my days, thoughts, work, etc., and they have been working WONDERS. I highly recommend doing this if you feel overwhelmed because writing things out can really help, and sometimes after you actually look at the amount of stuff you have on your plate, it doesn't seem as overwhelming and awful anymore. It actually becomes pretty manageable.

I've really enjoyed being able to write everything out when I need to. I keep a small notebook (the blue book that says "PASSPORT") in my everyday, over-the-shoulder bag and when I need to write something out in order to keep myself from becoming scatter-brained, I just open it up and write out anything that's on my mind. The first page has a list headed Things To Do to Keep Myself Happy; the third page is just a bunch of math helping me track my finances so that I don't become too anxious about money and bills and life. It's just so wonderful to be able to keep all of my loose thoughts in one place so that if I want to, I can look back at them.

Besides that notebook, I keep a To Do list in my school bag, and if needed, I transfer it to my everyday bag. I make sue to check something off every couple of days in order to make myself feel better, and it's so nice. I can't even explain how much I love to do lists. They make me really happy.

As if these two things to write it weren't enough, I also have an agenda for school where I write down all of my assignments (duh), plus all of my appointments and long-term assignments so that I don't constantly feel like I'm forgetting to do something. I also keep a calender in my room above my bed for the same purpose. I know I'm crazy.

Finally, I have a notebook (which is actually empty) just in case I decide I need another thing in my life to write everything out. It takes a lot for me to cope, but I'm trying. I also really want to buy an on-the-go calender so that I can visually see everything I have to do as well as the time slots of which everything takes up. My friend, Georgia, has one and it's AMAZING.

So yeah. This is what I do to handle my anxiety. I hope these ideas help, and let me know if you have any ways to help with anxiety and the sensation of feeling completely overwhelmed!

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