The World's Best Chapstick

I might possibly be the most dehydrated person in the world. We're lucky if I drink a cup of water some days; it's usually just  cup or two of coffee and that's the extent of my liquid intake. Oops.

Dehydration effects every part of you: your hair, skin, mood, appetite, energy. It's important to stay hydrated! But instead of upping my water intake, I spend money on expensive products with good reviews to help me feel less dry, and I've found the most amazing chapstick as a result. Well, this is actually a highly praised product by a decent amount of beauty gurus I watch on YouTube, and I hopped on board the train. I have zero regrets.

It's Bite Beauty's Agave Lip Balm and it is literally the most hydrating chapstick I've every tried, and I've tried a lot. I got it at Sephora for $18 (oops again), but it's so cute and so hydrating. I made my boyfriend try it  few weeks ago and I think he even liked it (he's stupid picky about chapstick for some reason. Weirdo). 
I put it on religiously every night before bed and in the morning I can practically still feel the product on my lips, but it's not actually there. My lips are just freaking hydrated and not disgustingly dry?? Since it's an agave chapstick, it's thick, but it's not grossly sticky, so I'm okay with it. I can even use it throughout the day and not feel disgusting (I don't like the feeling of things on my lips). As a plus, it looks hydrating, almost like a lip gloss, when applied alone to lips, so it's the perfect lip product for a natural makeup day. It doesn't really have a taste or a smell, either, which I prefer in my lip products. Honestly, this pricey little chapstick is worth the splurge. I can't say enough good things about it!

Let me know what hydrating lip, skin, or makeup products you've been loving!


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