2016 in Review

What a year 2016 has been. This year more than most, I feel like us as a society have witnessed some awful truths, but with all of the bad, I do believe there has been some good. I don't want to end 2016 on a bad note because bitterness gets us nowhere, so instead, through words and a few pictures, I want to reflect on some of the good that has happened to me. I understand that focusing on myself might be viewed as selfish or small-minded, but at the end of the day, this is what I as an individual have experienced, and therefore, what I am able to reflect on. I urge you to do the same. C'est la vie.

  • I graduated from my university with a 3.46 GPA and honors.
  • I left the United States for my first time and got to reconnect with friends I hadn't seen for a year plus.
  • I moved to a beautiful house with my roommates.
  • I got to visit my favorite place in the world, twice.
  • My brother got married.
  • One of my favorite bands, Sherwood, released a new album after being previously broken up.
  • I strengthened some very important friendships.

I hope you guys found some good in 2016, and I hope that 2017 delivers. 2016 has helped to lead you to where you need to go; run with it, and do your best to become what you need to be and do what you need to do.When in doubt, I hope you take comfort in some of my favorite words from Lewis Carroll: "Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it."


Get Festive With Me!

It's that time of year where we get to put up all of the fairy lights our hearts desire and get all cozy! Unfortunately, there are no outlets in the front of my house for me to do my porch up, but I do have two mantels and a staircase to decorate this year, so my decorating itch definitely got used. I tried not to go overboard with the lights and decor (although since taking these pictures I have put lights around two front windows), and I was on an extreme budget, so what I've done is pretty simple, easy, and cheap. Nonetheless, I hope it either inspires you to get some decorating done before January, or at least matches what you guys might have already done!

Please leave some ideas for me for next year!


Get to Know Me!

I know I'm the worst blogger ever, but considering I want to blog more come the new year, and considering I am most interested in self care blogging, I figure I should tell you guys a little something about me! Maybe then I'll be a little more credible and there will be some context behind the posts that I make (I promise more are coming; I'm constantly writing down ideas and I'll hopefully have a camera come January so that I can actually post good pictures!). But until then, let's begin with a simple 20 facts about me.
  1. I was born in Brooklyn, New York, but currently live in Richmond, Virginia
  2. I have a twin brother who is literally my exact opposite
  3. I have been a pescetarian since I was 12 years old (I'll be 23 come December)
  4. Parlo Italiano un po' ma non bene (I speak a little Italian, but not well)
  5. I have a tattoo with the coordinates of the camp that I went to and worked at for a total of 14 years. It's my favorite place in the world
  6. The Lion King is my all-time favorite movie
  7. I've wanted to be a YouTuber for years, but I'm too shy to sit in front of a camera
  8. I've always had at least one pet
  9. I majored in English at Virginia Commonwealth University and minored in Psychology and Sociology
  10. I carry two planners with my at all times and have a calendar above my bed. I really love planning
  11. I refuse to buy any candles except for Bath and Body Works candles
  12. I've never been drunk or high in my life, nor do I ever plan to be
  13. I've always had an obsession with brushing my teeth
  14. I can't paint my nails to save my life
  15. I've never owned an automatic car
  16. I'm left handed
  17. I'm low-key superstitious
  18. I managed my high school's lacrosse team
  19. My favorite book is Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger and I plan on getting a quote from it tattooed on my side
  20. My favorite food is avocado
I hope you guys enjoyed learning a little something about me! Hopefully we can get to know each other better once I actually start posting more. Again, I swear it's coming! Let me know a fact about you, too!


HUGE Christmas Lush Haul

It's November? Christmas season shouldn't start until Thanksgiving/December 1st? Sorry, I suddenly can't hear. What a phenomenon. Lush released their 2016 Christmas line toward the end of October and I went in and took a gander at all of the wonderful goodies that were made for the Holiday Season. I did wait until November 5th to purchase them, but then I went all in, excluding the sweeter scents and the angel bath melt because, quite frankly, I don't like the smell of them, plus maybe a few more items that I overlooked. Sue me. This is going to be a long post, so let's jump right into it, shall we?

Snowie Bubble Bar
This is a new item and oh my God is it cute. It's got some shimmer to it, which I am always a fan of and is a tribute to the late David Bowie, although I think that goes without saying. The scent is fresh. The Lush catalog says it's "grapefruit-rose," but I don't smell any rose, to be honest. I'm beyond excited to try this one out.

The Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar
Who doesn't like a cute penguin around Christmastime? That's what I thought. This one smells like a diluted orange covered in sugar.
Peeping Santa Bubble Bar
Peeping Santa is adorable. It lasts for about two baths and it just makes me so unbelievably happy. As the Lush catalog says, the bubble bar is fruity, so it's slightly sweet, but the melting chocolate eyes make up for that (please don't eat them--I doubt they taste very nice).

Sparkling Red Slippers Bubble Bar
I'm all about the glitter when it comes to bath products, so I'm excited to try this one out. It's not coated in glitter the way the Pumpkin Bubble Bar is, but instead the glitter looks to be incorporated into the bar itself. The scent is spicy, which is always nice to find in a bath product.

The Magic of Christmas Reusable Bubble Bar
I bought this one last year and it was one of my favorite products from the line. It has glitter, it's citrus-y (the catalog says almond, which I guess I can see) with a hint of spice, it's on a cinnamon stick, and it has a bell! Can you say Christmas or nah? I just love everything about this bubble wand and it lasts for a good three to four uses, so you definitely get your money's worth.
Santasaurus Reusable Bubble Bar
The catalog says this bubble wand has a toffee scent, but I think it just smells like a classic Lush soap? I don't know. I like it anyway and it's cute as all Hell. I can't wait to try this little bub out.

Mistletoe Bath Bomb
This bath bomb is a little sweeter than I tend to go for, but it's definitely not a sweet scent the way Snow Fairy is--it's more of a floral or earthy scent, but with some sweetness in it? I haven't tested it out, but I've been told it turns your bath water purple. What's not to like about that?

Shoot for the Stars Bath Bomb
I'm excited to use this one because I want to know what it does to the bath water. The scent is alright; it's a little sweet, but I guess that's too be expected when the main scent note is honey.
Never Mind the Ballistics Bath Bomb
To be honest, I don't really like the smell of this one, but it's new and it's dipped in a bath melt or something, so I couldn't just leave the store without giving it a shot. The catalog says that it'll fill the bath water with "colorful swirls," so hopefully the sickeningly sweet scent (and the headache I'm getting from it) will be worth it.

So White Bath Bomb
Lush changed the packaging on this classic bath bomb this year, adding a green apple leaf to the all-white bomb and I 100% support it. So White is probably my favorite bath bomb Lush have: it's fresh and simple and now it just reminds me of the goodness of the Holiday Season.

Golden Wonder Bath Bomb
My favorite thing about Golden Wonder is that it has extra goodies inside of it! If you shake the bomb, you can hear something rattle inside and when you drop it in the bath, beautiful colors come out from the simple white-and-gold packaging that is the bomb itself. The smell is simple and I can't really explain it, but honestly, the smell is second to the jingle from within the bomb.
Northern Lights Bath Bomb
We don't celebrate Fireworks Night in the U.S., but I was excited nonetheless to finally see this one in stores. It has a nice floral scent and I'm hoping that it makes my bath water as beautiful as the Fireworks Night pictures I see on my Instagram feed.

Butterbear Bath Bomb
Do I have to say much about this one? It's the same scent and formula as Lush's Butterball, so it's simple in scent and gratifying for your skin. I can't recommend this one enough.

Luxury Lush Pud
This is another Holiday favorite for me. Lavender is one of my favorite scents, and when you mix it with pops of color to float around the bath, I honestly don't see what's not to like. 

Salt and Peppermint Bark Body Scrub
This body scrub is hands down my second favorite one that Lush makes (Buffy being the first) and it's solely for the smell. Yes, it does what it's supposed to and exfoliates your skin, leaving it soft and new, but it smells like heaven. It's minty, but almost like a chocolate-y mint without the disgustingly sweet scent of chocolate. I'm obsessed.

Bonus: Sample of Christingle Body Conditioner
$14.95 for 3.1 oz/ $26.95 for 7.4 oz
I didn't buy this one because even though it smells fantastic and peppermint-y, the price was a little steep. I've never used a Lush body conditioner (or any body conditioner) before, so I'm actually really excited to try this one out and see if it's worth the high price tag.

Let me know if you guys purchase any of these products and if so, which ones you like the most. Happy (almost) holidays!

Happy Halloween!

Today's the day the ghosts and ghouls come out and I hope you guys have a fantastic time celebrating! Since it's a Monday, I'm sure most parties were over the weekend, so relax tonight with a bowl full of candy and maybe a few Halloween movies to get you into the spirit. I know I plan on having a festive hot chocolate or spiced cider to get myself ready for November. Fall's here, you guys, and I am so excited!

I hope my blogging three times a week wasn't too disappointing. I know I slacked while I was in England, but I tried and, personally, I think I had a pretty good excuse. I'll be back with another post on Wednesday and for now on it'll be one post at 5:00 PM EST every Wednesday.

Love you all loads!


England Post, Part Two

When I spoke to you last, I was on my way to London and Canterbury. Now, I am on the train from South-of-Sea to Sheffield for my last two days in England, sigh.

So far the trip has been busy, but fantastic, and I've gotten to see a decent amount of people who I never get to see. Saturday is our big meet up, though, so hopefully I'll have some pictures from there. I'm not keen on openly being a tourist, so here are a few pictures that I've collected between London and Canterbury. I'll leave you with these for now. Much love!


I'm in England???

It only took me 22 years and 10 months, but I've finally gotten myself out of the United States (for a week)!

So far I've done a small town and Liverpool, and I am currently on my way to London for a short stop before I do Canterbury.

Anyway, sorry for today's crappy post. I hope these pictures (of mostly farm animals--I'm from a city; they excite me) make up for it just a little.

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