2016 in Review

What a year 2016 has been. This year more than most, I feel like us as a society have witnessed some awful truths, but with all of the bad, I do believe there has been some good. I don't want to end 2016 on a bad note because bitterness gets us nowhere, so instead, through words and a few pictures, I want to reflect on some of the good that has happened to me. I understand that focusing on myself might be viewed as selfish or small-minded, but at the end of the day, this is what I as an individual have experienced, and therefore, what I am able to reflect on. I urge you to do the same. C'est la vie.

  • I graduated from my university with a 3.46 GPA and honors.
  • I left the United States for my first time and got to reconnect with friends I hadn't seen for a year plus.
  • I moved to a beautiful house with my roommates.
  • I got to visit my favorite place in the world, twice.
  • My brother got married.
  • One of my favorite bands, Sherwood, released a new album after being previously broken up.
  • I strengthened some very important friendships.

I hope you guys found some good in 2016, and I hope that 2017 delivers. 2016 has helped to lead you to where you need to go; run with it, and do your best to become what you need to be and do what you need to do.When in doubt, I hope you take comfort in some of my favorite words from Lewis Carroll: "Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it."


Get Festive With Me!

It's that time of year where we get to put up all of the fairy lights our hearts desire and get all cozy! Unfortunately, there are no outlets in the front of my house for me to do my porch up, but I do have two mantels and a staircase to decorate this year, so my decorating itch definitely got used. I tried not to go overboard with the lights and decor (although since taking these pictures I have put lights around two front windows), and I was on an extreme budget, so what I've done is pretty simple, easy, and cheap. Nonetheless, I hope it either inspires you to get some decorating done before January, or at least matches what you guys might have already done!

Please leave some ideas for me for next year!


Get to Know Me!

I know I'm the worst blogger ever, but considering I want to blog more come the new year, and considering I am most interested in self care blogging, I figure I should tell you guys a little something about me! Maybe then I'll be a little more credible and there will be some context behind the posts that I make (I promise more are coming; I'm constantly writing down ideas and I'll hopefully have a camera come January so that I can actually post good pictures!). But until then, let's begin with a simple 20 facts about me.
  1. I was born in Brooklyn, New York, but currently live in Richmond, Virginia
  2. I have a twin brother who is literally my exact opposite
  3. I have been a pescetarian since I was 12 years old (I'll be 23 come December)
  4. Parlo Italiano un po' ma non bene (I speak a little Italian, but not well)
  5. I have a tattoo with the coordinates of the camp that I went to and worked at for a total of 14 years. It's my favorite place in the world
  6. The Lion King is my all-time favorite movie
  7. I've wanted to be a YouTuber for years, but I'm too shy to sit in front of a camera
  8. I've always had at least one pet
  9. I majored in English at Virginia Commonwealth University and minored in Psychology and Sociology
  10. I carry two planners with my at all times and have a calendar above my bed. I really love planning
  11. I refuse to buy any candles except for Bath and Body Works candles
  12. I've never been drunk or high in my life, nor do I ever plan to be
  13. I've always had an obsession with brushing my teeth
  14. I can't paint my nails to save my life
  15. I've never owned an automatic car
  16. I'm left handed
  17. I'm low-key superstitious
  18. I managed my high school's lacrosse team
  19. My favorite book is Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger and I plan on getting a quote from it tattooed on my side
  20. My favorite food is avocado
I hope you guys enjoyed learning a little something about me! Hopefully we can get to know each other better once I actually start posting more. Again, I swear it's coming! Let me know a fact about you, too!

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